
Monday, November 9, 2015

Time flies and life gets away from us

Dear All Of Us,
I don't know how it happens but another summer is gone and another school year has begun. Thanksgiving is around the corner. The older I get the faster time flies. Is it that way for you also?
I am busy busy with commitments, kids and so on.
I did find the time for a guest blog on The Mighty. I was able to write about one of my passions, food allergies. Well, raising awareness for food allergies, I'm not actually fond of them. I wish they would go away. In the meantime…….

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Montessori guest blogging

Dear all of us,
Since I am a frustrated writer at heart and a Montessorian always, I was thrilled at the chance to guest blog about Montessori. Not only did I blog about Montessori but I blogged about one of my favorite aspects of Montessori, the prepared environment.
The prepared environment is so complex and it is a  key to a successful classroom.

Thank you to Trillium Montessori for the opportunity.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Painting like Michelangelo for kids

Dear all of us,
I love introducing children to the fine arts, it truly brings me joy.

One of the most fun ways to introduce a child to fine art is to introduce him or her to Michelangelo. Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel while laying on his back. I tell the children this and they are always fascinated.

Then I tell them that it is their turn to paint on their backs like this:

It is always a big hit in the classroom!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The artists for kids

Dear all of us,
Are you a preschool teacher or parent? One of the best things that you can do for your kids is to teach them about artists, all kinds of artists.
Painters, musicians, photographers and so on. Even the youngest child can learn something about artists.
Look at this great lesson about Jackson Pollack.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Crazy cool art for kids

Dear all of us,
I had to share this with all of you because I think it looks like so much fun!

I think little ones will love it but I bet that older ones will also.
This will be a must try this summer!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Play nice

Dear all of us or should I say dear moms?,
I do not even know how many times I have blogged about this, talked about this, read about this, but I am sick of it.

Stop! Stop it moms! Stop comparing yourselves with others. It is none of my business whether or not you work outside the home or if you work inside the home.
It's non of your business whether or not I work inside the home or outside of the home because you do not live inside my home and I do not live inside your home.

Women, I'm begging you, stop fighting each other. Work with each other.
These Mommy wars make us look petty and foolish.

Here's the article that started my rant today.
Maybe the money that was used to fund this "research" could be put to better use. Maybe this money could be sent to charity. Like cancer charities, poverty charities, and so on. A much better use I think.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

This time of year

Dear all of us,
If you have school aged children then you know first hand how much this time of year stinks. Stinks? It sucks. There is an end of year party for every activity that your child/children are in. There are teacher gifts to buy(G_d bless those teachers), there are recitals, performances, graduations and so on.  In between all of the crazy, the kids still have homework and depending where you live there are the dreaded end of year tests.
I have been dealing with the dreaded end of year standardized tests for 5 years now and I have 4 more years to go.
They might be the death of me.
Seriously, the death of me.
Starting in 3rd grade(where I live) children are expected to take a standardized test. Most of the kids are told that if they don't do well that they will be held back.
Awesome motivator isn't it????
No! It's not!
We have no opt out option here although I'm sure there will be one as soon as my kids are done with the tests.
So, how do I explain these tests to my kids? I tell them that I expect them to do their best no matter what that is. I know, and I hope that they know that one test does not tell us anything about them. One test does not tell me about their academic successes or struggles. One test does not tell me if they are a good friend, person, daughter and so on. One test does not tell me what they will be successful at once they finish college.
I want my kids to do THEIR best. I want them to follow THEIR interests. I don't want them to watch a years worth of hard work to go out the window because of one test.
Do you have standardized testing where you are? How do you handle the stress?

I think a little wine is in order….